Cela illustre l’importance d’une prévention face à de telles catastrophes contre lesquelles s’engagent les travailleurs sociaux et d’autres personnes à travers le monde.
Comme très souvent dans ces situations, les personnes les plus pauvres souffrent le plus. Leurs habitations étaient fragiles donc facilement destructibles. la population n’a plus rien à manger. Les secours sont longs à arriver sur place.
La Fédération Internationale des Travailleurs Sociaux presse la communauté internationale à fournir l’assistance aux autorités nationales et locales et au peuple du Bengladesh dans cette situation désespérée.
Nous adressons l’expression de notre solidarité affectueuse en particulier à l’Association des travailleurs sociaux du Bengladesh et à tous ceux qui fournissent soulagement et assistance dont font partie les travailleurs sociaux de ce pays.
Londres/Berne 19 Novembre 2007
David N Jones Président de la FITS ,
Tom Johannesen Secrétaire Général de la FITS
Bangladesh has once again been hit by a devastating natural disaster. The cyclone Sidr, the most destructive storm that has hit the country in a decade, is so far known to have killed more than 3000 people, but the figures are increasing by the hour. Millions are homeless, vital crops are wiped out and cattle and poultry are dead. Many lives were saved as an grassroots early-warning system enabled many to flee before the cyclone struck. This illustrates the importance of disaster prevention activity, in which social workers and others are actively engaged around the world.
As so often, poor people are suffering most. Their basic houses were easily destroyed and they have hardly anything to eat. Help is slow to the most remote parts of the disaster area.
The International Federation of Social Workers urges the international community to provide assistance to the national and local authorities and the people of Bangladesh in this desperate situation. We send our expression of solidarity with those affected, those working to provide relief and assistance, among them many social workers, and especially to the Association of Social Workers (ASW) Bangladesh.
London/ Bern November 19, 2007
David N Jones, IFSW President
Tom Johannesen, IFSW Secretary General
Comme très souvent dans ces situations, les personnes les plus pauvres souffrent le plus. Leurs habitations étaient fragiles donc facilement destructibles. la population n’a plus rien à manger. Les secours sont longs à arriver sur place.
La Fédération Internationale des Travailleurs Sociaux presse la communauté internationale à fournir l’assistance aux autorités nationales et locales et au peuple du Bengladesh dans cette situation désespérée.
Nous adressons l’expression de notre solidarité affectueuse en particulier à l’Association des travailleurs sociaux du Bengladesh et à tous ceux qui fournissent soulagement et assistance dont font partie les travailleurs sociaux de ce pays.
Londres/Berne 19 Novembre 2007
David N Jones Président de la FITS ,
Tom Johannesen Secrétaire Général de la FITS
Bangladesh has once again been hit by a devastating natural disaster. The cyclone Sidr, the most destructive storm that has hit the country in a decade, is so far known to have killed more than 3000 people, but the figures are increasing by the hour. Millions are homeless, vital crops are wiped out and cattle and poultry are dead. Many lives were saved as an grassroots early-warning system enabled many to flee before the cyclone struck. This illustrates the importance of disaster prevention activity, in which social workers and others are actively engaged around the world.
As so often, poor people are suffering most. Their basic houses were easily destroyed and they have hardly anything to eat. Help is slow to the most remote parts of the disaster area.
The International Federation of Social Workers urges the international community to provide assistance to the national and local authorities and the people of Bangladesh in this desperate situation. We send our expression of solidarity with those affected, those working to provide relief and assistance, among them many social workers, and especially to the Association of Social Workers (ASW) Bangladesh.
London/ Bern November 19, 2007
David N Jones, IFSW President
Tom Johannesen, IFSW Secretary General